Monday, May 10, 2010

Data Migration Testing

Data Migration Need:
We need to know the need of data migration.
Let us say Company had a Product running from Past few years and now Technology in which it was created is old and not is use now a day.
Company has taken a decision to create the same product using new technology from Scratch.
There would be phase where Data Migration will be carried out.
Similarly Data Migration Testing Phase comes in to picture, where QA team has to ensure that all the Data Used in Old Application has been fully migrated to New Application and the Users will be use the same Old Data on New Application.
QA Team Also has to ensure that the Data is fully intact with the Functionality of the Product and Calculations Doesn’t Hamper the Flow.

SOURCE DATABASE –This is a Source database in physical form, from where the data is too be fetched.
This is the database which is connected to old application.

DATA MIGRATION REPOSITORY – Mostly Data migration repository is in the form of XML file. While Data migration process XML scheme is widely used.

TARGET DATABASE – This is new physical database where data is migrated, this database is connected to new application.

We need to know some of the basic Commands used in accessing Database.
SELECT * FROM table_name
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name

UPDATE table_name SET column1=value, column2=value2, WHERE some_column=some_value

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column= some _value

SQL Query to calculate total number of records in a Table
SELECT count(*) FROM table_name
SQL query to calculate total distinct number of records in Table
SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM table_name

Some of the Terms used in Data Migration testing:
1. Database Schema – The Schema of the Database in the form of Tables, Fields, Relationships, Views.
2. Data Redundancy – Avoid Unnecessary Duplication of data.
3. Boundary Value Analysis on Data – Change in Data Type Can Cause Boundary value failure on some of the fields.
4. Application Attributes Pre & Post Migration – Data Sheet Pre Migration & Post Migration.
5. Logical Dependency of Data – Any Logical Change can Hamper Front end screens.

Data Migration Resources:

Data Migration Steps:

Database Testing Framework:


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