Sunday, May 9, 2010

Software testing Life Cycle

Software testing Life Cycle

Creating Test Plan Design – At This Stage one has to start Plan the testing, this is considered to be a high level view for testing cycle to be performed during the development of the project.
Defining goals, Test Modules, Test Phases, Resources, Tools, Test Plan Documents, Query Tracking Documents, Responsibilities and Resource Trainings as well as Risks are taken in to Consideration in this Phase.

Analysis / Review Test Plan – After Finalizing test Plan, The document is then reviewed by higher management and Peers. Team has to analysis the Test Strategy written in the document server the purpose of Testing the Product in all respect.
i.e.: White Box Testing, Black Box testing, Functional Testing, integration testing, Database testing, Performance tests, If Applicable then Data migration testing.

Creating Test Case Documents – In this Phase all the possible test case documents are prepared. One has to be sure that the Test case document should cover all the possible functionalities mentioned in SRS document and in no case we are missing any functionality.
Test Case Document should have a Proper format as prescribed by the client or any standard followed by the company.

Software Development with Verification & validation Phase – In this Phase Software / Product Development is carried out, Once the Modules of the Projects are completed, they are released to QA team on the release basis.
QA Now starts with the Verification Check List, before starting any test one has to verify that Development Team has delivered the module with all the functionalities.

Running Test Cycles - Test Cycles are the tests which if run successfully will assure that functionality still remains tight and no functionality is loosely coupled in any case.

Final Release Testing – After Final Release of the Product has been delivered, Regression test scripts are executed many times. Performance Testing is conducted on the final Product. Product Delivered should pass all the Stress and Load Prescribed at the time of Test Plan.

Some of the Performance Testing Tools:

Testing On Production Environment – After Certifying the Product is free from Defects & Bugs now the product is deployed on Production Servers. QA Team Still has to work on Production. One round for complete Testing is still to be conducted. SANITY of the product is conducted. Now The Product is ready for the actual Users.
In This span to time Documents of the Product are created and full knowledge Transfer is given to the Production Support People.


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