Thursday, May 6, 2010

IVR testing Essentials

IVR testing Essentials

While Testing as IVR system, we need to keep many things in Mind.
What Is INBOUND IVR Testing?
What is OUTBOUND IVR Test?
VIOP Basic Concepts
Text To Speech Engines & Speech To text Engines
INBOUND test on IVR can be performed by the software which can receive multiple calls coming from out real world and test all the Processes which a Happy Path flow can have.
Happy Path is a Simple true path with no negative scenario.
Example: Caller calls in to Bank and enters Account number and PIN, if successful, now selects options given by Auto attendant. Let us say User Selects an option to know what is the Amount in his current account.
The test case should be that validation should be done for the account number and the Amount present in the Account.
In OUTBOUND Test the software can be used to call the test audience and can play the required Prompts.

Companies involved in IVR Testing:


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