Thursday, May 6, 2010

SIP Session Initiation protocol

SIP Session Initiation protocol

It is a Signaling protocol Used for establishing a session in a IP network.

To know how SIP Works, we need to know the following Terms:- INVITE Invite a User to a Call
- ACK Used for Response for Invite user
- BYE Used for Terminating a connection between or declining a call.
- CANCLE Terminates a Call from a user
- OPTIONS Solicits information about server’s capabilities
- REGISTER Register a Users Current Location
- INFO Used for MID Session Signaling

What are SIP Responses?- 1XX Used for Information example: 100 Trying , 180 is Ringing
- 2XX used for Successful example: 200 OK, 202 Accepted
- 3XX Redirection Example: 302 Moved temporary
- 4XX Request Failure Example: 404 Not Found , 482 Loop Detected
- 5XX Server Failure Example: 501 Not Implemented
- 6XX Global Failure Example: 603 Declined

Some of The example for SIP End Devices:- Soft Phones
- Hand phones
- Web Phones
- Messaging Clients
- PSTN Gateways
- Media Servers

SIP Can Function with some of the Following Protocols- SOAP


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